Who We are...

At Trinity Lutheran Church our mission, as disciples of Jesus Christ, is to encourage, serve, and love everyone so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the whole world may experience God’s grace and come to a new life through Jesus.

What is a Lutheran?

Five hundred years ago there was no "Lutheran" Church.  You were either Roman Catholic or Orthodox, depending on where you lived.  Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic priest in Germany who began to realize that some of the practices of the Church at that time were contrary to what the Bible taught, causing many Christians to feel insecure about their worthiness to be included in God's family.  In the year 1517 he made efforts to debate these issues within the Church and bring about reform, but his questioning of Church traditions and teachings was seen as rebellious and disrespectful by his superiors.  In the end he was expelled from the Roman Catholic Church.  Yet there were many people who supported his teachings and still fought to resolve these issues in the Church.  Such resolution did not occur, but what did happen was that a new church emerged that would eventually be named after Pastor Luther, who is now recognized as the founder of the Protestant Reformation.

While the Lutheran Church of today follows in the footsteps of the early Church, it emphasizes the priority  of God's Word as found in our Bible over any manmade traditions or customs.  And because we have the freedom to express our faith in many ways, you will find a variety of worship styles and practices in our churches that embrace the ancient as well as the modern.

Our Church Affiliation

Trinity Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS), based in St. Louis, MO. The synod is a national association of Lutheran Churches that share a common teaching and confession of faith in the United States. Locally we are part of the Florida-Georgia District of the LCMS.